Owens Scientific is a manufacturer's representative of radiation safety, monitoring and homeland security devices. We are competitively priced and would appreciate the opportunity to bid your needs as they arise in these areas. We proudly represent the following manufacturers: RaySafe (formerly Unfors), Thermo Fisher, ApronCheck, Gammex, Biodex, Fluke, CIRS, The Phantom Laboratory, Mirion and SE International. Established in 1986, Owens Scientific is qualified Small Business/Woman Owned and HUB Certified, State of Texas. Specialties: Medical Instruments, Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Safety, Health Physics, Medical Physics, Dosimetry, Ultrasound, Mammography, Phantoms, Lead Apron Tracking, Tables and Accessories, Warmers, X-Ray Test Devices and Homeland Security including personal dosimeters, portal monitors, survey meters, radioisotope identifiers, response kits, waste, gate, area and contamination monitors, calibration services. |
Small Business / Woman Owned HUB Certified - State of Texas |
Member of
SOUTH TEXAS CHAPTER Health Physics Society |
Member of
American Association of Physicists in Medicine - Southwest Chapter |
Member of AHRA - The American Hospital Radiology Administrators | |
Member of CRCPD - Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors |
Please contact us if you have any questions.